Sunday, June 17, 2007

Grand Teton

Friday, after spending a day resting, I went to a Montana Rodeo. Well, I have been there, down that. Saturday morning we headed to the Grand Tetons, my first picture is using some of the expertise of my photo safari. Then we start with the Tetons. This park is so different from Yellowstone, It is hard to believe that 2 parks are so different.....The one pictures has a yellow rope due to bear activity. And I have had request for pictures of me, so hope these are enough. I even posed for one......You will see Moose and bear as we came across plenty of animals this time around. Came back Sunday evening, and we are all tired

More later...........


Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures, Mom. And what a great pose in front of the waterfall! You are quite photogenic. Love YOU! Karen

Dee said...

This really looks prettier area than the others you have shown, not quite so desert-like. This is all quite astounding.

Hugs, Dot

Online who said...

I'm sure you have no idea who I am, but you always brightened my visits to the Fuquay library. I knew I hadn't seen you in awhile - I had taken to using the self-service checkout so I wasn't always reminded that I owed money. Anyway, tonight I used the desk, saw photos of you there and found out you up and left. Your photos are wonderful, but you might be getting a bit too close to the bears. I do hope you're well, and just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that people you didn't even know you knew miss you. Some more quickly than others, but still...

Sue said...

Wow, nice pics! The Teton area is very pretty. I still can't believe you are there! You are definitely a WILD woman!!

Unknown said...

Hi Betty, it is so good to be able to keep up with your adventures. What a beautiful area. I have been to Yellowstone a couple of times, but never the Grand Tetons. I enjoy being able to "be with you" even if it is in photos. Take care, don't get too close to the bears or moose. Enjoy your new adventures, maybe someday Richard and I will do something like this.

Love you, Joyce Smith