Sunday, April 29, 2007

Old Faithful

Saturday, Four of us picked up our packed lunches and headed to Old Faithful, stopping at
Norris Geyser basin for a short hike. I couldn't believe all the geysers at Norris, but Steamboat
seems to be the favorite. After Norris we headed to Old Faithful with all the other tourist. Everyone keeps telling me this place isn't the same in the summer with lots more tourist, but I am just going to find out for myself. Ha Ha Old Faithful was amazing, sitting waiting for the show
you can watch 6 or more other geysers get ready to erupt just before the big one. I can understand why people would want to spend a couple of days at this site. Old Faithful erupted right on time....After this show we head back to Mammoth for a regrouping and then headed to Lamarr Valley to see more baby bisom, and got the treat of our lives by seeing wolves. We spotted a total of 6 with binoculars, wishing we had a scope to see them better. Sunday is going to be my
day of rest....More later


Sue said...

OH MY!!! I can't believe you are there!! You are a WILD woman!

Thanks for including me in on all your activities. Your photos are great!

Unknown said...

Wow! That sounds wonderful! I know you are having a great time out there! I LOVE the pictures, too!
